Saturday, June 1, 2013

Synaptic Package Manager Crashes After Changing Icon Theme

I installed a new iconset (Areao 43) and dark theme for Ubuntu, but soon after that Synaptic Manager kept crashing on entering the password.

After researching a bit and checking different solutions (one of them being I realized that the iconset was the problem. After trying out different things I was able to figure out a fix for this particular issue.

  1. Open a Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)
  2. Open Nautilus with superuser permissions by typing the following and entering your password :
    sudo nautilus
  3. Go to the icon folder
    /usr/share/icons/<insert icon folder name>
  4. Open the file index.theme with a text editor (I use Kate)
  5. Look for the line that starts with Directories =
  6. Add ,16x16/gtk at the end if it is not there in the line (don't miss the comma)
  7. Go to the end of the file and paste this code
  8. Search any other icon folder in this location (/usr/share/icons) for a 16x16 folder, copy the entire folder and its contents, come back to the original icon folder mentioned in point 3 and paste it there
  9. Save the file and close

Synaptic package manager should now work. Apparently there is a dependency on 16x16 icons along with scalable icons.